gölge kuklası

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gölge kuklası
shadow puppet
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A dark image projected onto a surface where light (or other radiation) is blocked by the shade of an object.

Example: My shadow lengthened as the sun began to set.

Definition: Relative darkness, especially as caused by the interruption of light; gloom, obscurity.

Example: I immediately jumped into shadow as I saw them approach.

Definition: A area protected by an obstacle (likened to an object blocking out sunlight).

Example: The mountains block the passage of rain-producing weather systems and cast a "shadow" of dryness behind them.

Definition: A reflected image, as in a mirror or in water.

Definition: That which looms as though a shadow.

Example: I don't have a shadow of doubt in my mind that my plan will succeed. The shadow of fear of my being outed always affects how I live my life. I lived in her shadow my whole life.

Definition: A small degree; a shade.

Example: He did not give even a shadow of respect to the professor.

Definition: An imperfect and faint representation.

Example: He came back from war the shadow of a man.

Definition: (police) A trainee, assigned to work with an experienced officer.

Definition: One who secretly or furtively follows another.

Example: The constable was promoted to working as a shadow for the Royals.

Definition: An inseparable companion.

Definition: A drop shadow effect applied to lettering in word processors etc.

Definition: An influence, especially a pervasive or a negative one.

Definition: A spirit; a ghost; a shade.

Definition: (Latinism) An uninvited guest accompanying one who was invited.

Definition: In Jungian psychology, an unconscious aspect of the personality.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To shade, cloud or darken.

Example: The artist chose to shadow this corner of the painting.

Definition: To block light or radio transmission from.

Example: Looks like that cloud's going to shadow us.

Definition: To secretly or discreetly track or follow another, to keep under surveillance.

Definition: To represent faintly and imperfectly.

Definition: To hide; to conceal.

Definition: To accompany (a professional) during the working day, so as to learn about an occupation one intends to take up.

Definition: To make (an identifier, usually a variable) inaccessible by declaring another of the same name within the scope of the first.

Definition: To apply the shadowing process to (the contents of ROM).

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Unofficial, informal, unauthorized, but acting as though it were.

Example: The human resources department has a shadow information technology group without headquarters knowledge.

Definition: Having power or influence, but not widely known or recognized.

Example: The director has been giving shadow leadership to the other group's project to ensure its success.

Definition: Acting in a leadership role before being formally recognized.

Example: The insurgents’ shadow government is being crippled by the federal military strikes.

Definition: Part of, or related to, the opposition in government.

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Phonetic: "/ˈpʌpɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any small model of a person or animal able to be moved by strings or rods, or in the form of a glove.

Definition: A person, country, etc, controlled by another.

Definition: A poppet; a small image in the human form; a doll.

Definition: The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe.

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